Cphem | Індійський фармацевтичний ринок швидко розширюється, дедалі більше стаючи стратегічним сектором інвестицій. Таким чином Marchesini Group вирішила зміцнити свою присутність в Індії шляхом конс

Brio Pharma Technologies and Marchesini Group India: a new consolidated team

The Indian pharmaceutical market is rapidly expanding, increasingly becoming a strategic sector to invest in. Marchesini Group has thus decided to strengthen its presence in India by consolidating and integrating team Brio Pharma Technologies with Marchesini Group India. This association will allow the Group to be even closer to its customers and to guarantee the Indian pharmaceutical market the presence on the territory of an experienced and consolidated team. From presales to after-sales assistance, the mission of this synergy is to continue to provide efficient and quality solutions with the support of qualified professionals who can guide customers in choosing the best possible solution.

Starting from May 2022, Mr. Shubham Mishra shall be assuming the position of Chief Executive Officer with Marchesini Group India and based in Mumbai, assisted by Mr. Dileesh Kapadan (Mumbai) for Business Administration. Business Managers: Mr. Deepak Kabbur (Hyderabad), Mr. S. Kumar (Ahmedabad), Mr. Manu Dhagat (Bangalore) will look after their respective territories.

Marchesini Group India existing team, consisting of Mr. Dinesh Bagwe Head of Service, supported by Mr. Bhushan and Mr. Siddhesh as Service engineers and Mr. Manish Ghagh as the Sales Manager, will continue the activities as usual based in Mumbai office.
