Cphem | Незважаючи на широкомасштабну війну, за 3 квартали 2022 року фармацевтична компанія «Дарниця» випустила 15 нових лікарських препаратів. Це знеболювальні, протиревматичні та антигіпертензивні

Darnitsa launches new medicines despite the war: 15 drugs during 3 quarters of 2022

Despite the large-scale war, Darnitsa pharmaceutical company in 3 quarters of 2022 released 15 new medicines. These are painkillers, antirheumatic and antihypertensive drugs, mucolytics, as well as a drug for the prevention of thyroid diseases during nuclear accidents. The company emphasizes that it is now fully implementing the 2022 plan for the new medicines’ development. By this year end the company plans to launch additionally 4 more new drugs on sale.

Darnitsa invests about 10% of its revenue annually in development, mainly capital investments, digitalization and new drugs development.

Over the past 5 years, the company invested about UAH 730 million in new medicines. During this time, the manufacturer introduced 63 new brands to the market, that consolidated its leading position in the national pharmaceutical industry. Every seventh package of medicines in 2021 present on pharmacy shelves, these were the Darnitsa company products.

Thanks to digital transformation and optimization of business processes, the company managed to accelerate the new medicines launch from 30 to 18 months. That is why in 2021 Darnitsa launched 22 new medicines on the market, while in 2020, for comparison, these were only 10.

"An important component of the country's national security is the availability of domestic medicinal production. Because dependence on supplies from abroad, especially at such critical moments for the country as now, can lead to a shortage with necessary medicines. Therefore, despite everything, we have no right to stop thus we continue releasing new drugs to the market," said Inna Deniak, development director of Darnitsa pharmaceutical company.

Among those new drugs "Darnitsa" entered into the market 2022 running: "Perindopres Trio" for blood pressure control, painkillers sachets "Dexpro" and "Pregabalin-Darnitsa" capsules, "Potassium-Iodide-125-Darnitsa" for the thyroid gland prevention from exposure to radioactive iodine-131 during nuclear accidents, granulated mucolytics ("Dvatse 100", "Dvatse 200", "Dvatse Long", "Dvatse 200 Hot Drink", "Dvatse Long Hot Drink"), preventive and hygienic product in the form of a spray,"Pantestin Darnitsa" to manage burns and cuts , "Reodar" solution for infusions, sore throat tablets ("Celista "and" Celista Duo") and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug of COX-2 inhibitors class "Exib".
