Cphem | Фармацевтичні заводи «Київмедпрепарат» та «Галичфарм», які виробляють продукцію для ТМ «Артеріум» пройшли інспекцію на відповідність стандартам HACCP* для можливості випуску дієтичних добавок

Manufacturers of Arterium products have confirmed compliance with HACCP requirements

Pharmaceutical plants Kyivmedpreparat and Halychpharm, which produce products for ArteriumTM, have been inspected for compliance with HACCP* standards for the possibility of producing dietary supplements. The inspection was conducted by specialists of the UKRMETRTESTSTANDART enterprise. This confirms that Arterium dietary supplements are produced to the highest quality standards, which means they are safe for human health.

“Product safety is the key indicator of its quality. It is important to adhere to state quality standards at every stage of production, as product safety can be affected by many factors: occupational hygiene, compliance with sanitary standards in production facilities, clean equipment and transport, proper waste management. During the inspection, UKRMETRTESTSTANDART confirmed compliance with HACCP standards at all stages of ArteriumTM dietary supplements: development, production, control, storage and distribution,” said Olga Tkach, head of the quality assurance team at Halychpharm.

Natalia Khytra, head of the Kyivmedpreparat quality assurance team, said that this inspection was a remarkable experience for her company. “We have confirmed that the conditions for the production of dietary supplements at Kyivmedpreparat are not lower than GMP requirements, and in some cases even higher. Thanks to the professionalism of our employees, Kyivmedpreparat passed the inspection without any remarks.”
