Cphem | SoftGroup з цікавістю слідкує за ходом Узбекистану у розвитку системи відстеження. Оскільки 2 квітня було прийнято постанову Кабінету Міністрів Республіки Узбекистан № 149 «Про запровадження

SoftGroup is officially listed as the provider and integrator of Uzbekistan CRPT Turon

SoftGroup has been following with interest the journey of Uzbekistan in developing a traceability system. Since on April 2, the Resolution No. 149 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the introduction of a system of mandatory digital labeling of medicines and medical devices” was adopted, we could share that SoftGroup is is officially listed as the provider and integrator of Uzbekistan CRPT Turon.

As a certified integrator, we developed a solution that provides a connection and data exchange between Uzbek National Track & Trace System – Asl belgisi and all supply-chain participants (MAHs, Manufacturers, Importers, Wholesale trade enterprises, etc.). The SoftGroup® SaTT Uzbek Hub Gateway allows requesting and receiving the cryptographic protection (crypto key and crypto signature for each serial number upload the final batch data) and publishing the serialization and aggregation reports concerning the Government Decree No737 “Establishment of obligatory digital labeling”. The system supports all possible statuses and functionality required by “CRPT TURON” LLC. More information about SoftGroup® SaTT Uzbek Hub Gateway.

Regarding their traceability system and upcoming updates, SoftGroup regularly publish all relevant information, including deadlines, phases and requirements.

About the traceability system

Uzbekistan is one of the countries in the CIS region that work quite proactively on improving the quality of healthcare in different stands. The traceability system is developed by “CRPT Turon” and is called “Asl belgisi” (Uzbek translation of “Chestny znak” system used in Russia). If you are MAH/ Manufacturer, Importer, Wholesaler, Retail Trade enterprise or medical organization/ association, you must apply to the official website of the “CRPT TURON” LLC. If the application complies with the requirements, the participant will receive a personal account and access to the Uzbekistan system.
