Cphem | Модель

Loedige Coater LC

Optimal process control, easy handling and easy cleaning were the top-priority criteria for development of the coater – beside the costs.

The coating process can be divided into three sub-processess: spraying of lacquer, drying of the tablets and mixing of the tablets. The LC coater series optimizes all three sub-processes. The totally perforated drum with a free surface of more than 40 % allows a high air flow. The mixing elements ensure the uniform and gentle mixing, even with variable filling degrees between 30 % and 100 %: most important condition for best uniformity of coating. The optimized nozzle arm guarantees the perfect adjustment to the tablet bed – it is always possible to set the best spraying distance and angle. Directly under the spraying zone, the heated inlet air is led to the tablet bed and ensures the quick drying of the wet surfaces. The air exhausts through the tablet bed.

Due to work safety reasons the whole product range inside the coater is kept below atmospheric pressure. Complete discharge is still guaranteed without any additional equipment and the required discharge time has even be reduced. A new solution could found for the cleaning process. An integrated ultrasonic generator reduces the necessary cleaning time considerably – especially in case of hardly soluble substances.

The coater is intended for „through-the-wall-assembly“ and therefore provides optimal separation between process area and technical area. Furthermore, it is always available for access by the maintenance staff. Last but not least, the new control system is very easy to operate and fulfils all the latest GMP requirements.

Model Features